Are You Prepared For The ADS-B Funnel

There is one question our Avionics team are concerned about when it comes to their clients and the wider market and that is "Are you ready for the 31 December 2021 ADS-B mandate?".

What is ADS-B?

The latest technological leap into airspace surveillance, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) is an electronic system allowing onboard equipment to automatically broadcast the accurate positional information of an aircraft to air traffic control and other aircraft. 

Why Upgrade To ADS-B?


As part of the New Southern Sky (NSS) programme, Airways are moving from the current secondary radar service in lieu of ADS-B. This means that all aircraft flying into or through controlled air space will require the equipment needed to be ADS-B compliant.

Even if you don't regularly fly into controlled airspace, have you thought about where your maintenance facilities are located? Or about how your flight paths will change if you can't fly through controlled airspace? Not to mention the advantages ADS-B brings with regard to the increased visibility of other airborne aircraft reducing the likeliness of mid-flight collisions. 

The Funnel Effect


As we approach this deadline, the time left to do these upgrades becomes more congested due to the time remaining over the number of installations that still need to be done. NZCAA have estimated a remaining 3400 aircraft in New Zealand currently aren't ADS-B compliant. As of July 18 2019, that would mean 27 aircraft each week would need to be upgraded in order to comply by the 2021 deadline.

There isn't going to be enough time for everyone to become compliant and the longer you wait, the more likely you won't be able to become compliant before the deadline and the increased risk of AOG. This is something we don't want to see happen.

The Solution


We want to ensure operators don't experience the negative effects of the funnel that we foresee. Therefore, we have a solution. Get in touch with one of our Avionics team, let us assess your cockpit and advise which ADS-B path is best for you and your operation.

It’s easy, just book in a time slot on our calendar that suits you between now and 31 December 2021 and we will get you sorted with a brand-new ADS-B transponder of your choice from one of the many options we have. We can accommodate you at one of our 5 facilities countrywide at Hamilton, Nelson, Dunedin and two at Ardmore, or make arrangements to complete the upgrade at your hangar (conditions apply). Once your spot has been secured, we'll manage the long leads times and ensure that the unit is ready to be installed prior to your arrival.


While you're at it and your aircraft is booked in, why not look into at any of the other services we offer?


Are You Prepared For The ADS-B Funnel

There is one question our Avionics team are concerned about when it comes to their clients and the wider market and that is "Are you ready for the 31 December 2021 ADS-B mandate?".

What is ADS-B?

The latest technological leap into airspace surveillance, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) is an electronic system allowing onboard equipment to automatically broadcast the accurate positional information of an aircraft to air traffic control and other aircraft. 

Why Upgrade To ADS-B?


As part of the New Southern Sky (NSS) programme, Airways are moving from the current secondary radar service in lieu of ADS-B. This means that all aircraft flying into or through controlled air space will require the equipment needed to be ADS-B compliant.

Even if you don't regularly fly into controlled airspace, have you thought about where your maintenance facilities are located? Or about how your flight paths will change if you can't fly through controlled airspace? Not to mention the advantages ADS-B brings with regard to the increased visibility of other airborne aircraft reducing the likeliness of mid-flight collisions. 

The Funnel Effect


As we approach this deadline, the time left to do these upgrades becomes more congested due to the time remaining over the number of installations that still need to be done. NZCAA have estimated a remaining 3400 aircraft in New Zealand currently aren't ADS-B compliant. As of July 18 2019, that would mean 27 aircraft each week would need to be upgraded in order to comply by the 2021 deadline.

There isn't going to be enough time for everyone to become compliant and the longer you wait, the more likely you won't be able to become compliant before the deadline and the increased risk of AOG. This is something we don't want to see happen.

The Solution


We want to ensure operators don't experience the negative effects of the funnel that we foresee. Therefore, we have a solution. Get in touch with one of our Avionics team, let us assess your cockpit and advise which ADS-B path is best for you and your operation.

It’s easy, just book in a time slot on our calendar that suits you between now and 31 December 2021 and we will get you sorted with a brand-new ADS-B transponder of your choice from one of the many options we have. We can accommodate you at one of our 5 facilities countrywide at Hamilton, Nelson, Dunedin and two at Ardmore, or make arrangements to complete the upgrade at your hangar (conditions apply). Once your spot has been secured, we'll manage the long leads times and ensure that the unit is ready to be installed prior to your arrival.


While you're at it and your aircraft is booked in, why not look into at any of the other services we offer?